Thursday, March 28, 2013

American Automobile Association Benefits

As soon as automobiles hit America’s roads, people began to organize automotive clubs.  By 1902, there were approximately 23,000 cars in operation.  Even with this small number, over 50 motor clubs had been formed across the country.  Nine of those clubs joined together to create a national motoring organization called the American Automobile Association, or the AAA.  Over the past 100 years, the AAA has supported American drivers by promoting safe, efficient highways and a multi-modal transportation system that is accessible and affordable to everyone.

Improving Roads

At the turn of the century, existing roads had been designed for the horse and buggy. Traveling on those dirt paths was often risky.  AAA’s earliest goal was to lead a fight for improvements in the nation’s roads.  They wanted roads that could better accommodate automobile traffic.  By 1916, AAA saw their goal begin to be realized when the idea of federal aid to highways was initiated.  Since then, this organization’s affiliated clubs have covered a wide range of issues and interests.  One campaign is focused on getting the government to spend more of existing funds to improve on the nation’s highways, bridges, and air traffic control systems.  Another initiative was designed to provide consumers with information and insight into current transportation issues.

Roadside Assistance

Auto breakdowns are not fun for any car owner.  AAA was the first to provide a service for stranded motorists.  This aspect is one of the most valued features of a AAA membership.  They have almost 13,000 roadside assistance contract facilities and take in about 29 million calls annually.  AAA Members can get roadside assistance by calling an 800 number, visiting AAA’s website, or by using their smart phone app.  Their call centers handle incoming calls, answer questions about travel related subjects, and advise on AAA approved auto repair facilities.  This association annually publishes a manual on correct towing procedures and updates vehicle-buying research online.  To help make sure it’s members find reliable and quality mechanics, AAA developed its Approved Auto Repair program.  They have identified 8,000 automotive repair facilities that meet their criteria in customer satisfaction, equipment requirements, and competency for repairing automobiles.  

Travel and Safety

AAA has supplied its members with all available data on roads, hotels, service facilities, and motor vehicle laws for over 100 years.  They produced the first auto-oriented maps, road logs, and eventually a series of tour book guides and camping directories.  AAA clubs were the first to inspect and recommend lodging and restaurants.  They also became linked with a network in which information on highway conditions could be exchanged up to the minute.  As early as 1927, they even developed a foreign travel department to handle steamship tickets and shipment of cars overseas.  Gradually AAA initiated additional services and is now one of the largest travel organizations in the world.  They offer complete domestic and foreign travel services, including issuing International Driving Permits.  Increasing numbers of cars on the road have led to a similar increase in accidents.  AAA has done many things to help make our roads safer.  They sponsored school safety patrol programs and introduced traffic safety education into elementary and junior high schools.  AAA wrote the first driver education book widely used in high schools.  AAA also understands the dangers of driving under the influence.  They have a program that educates communities on alcohol and its effect on a person’s driving ability.  

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